Monday 21 April 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up??? I don't think a Princess will cut it anymore!!

Life certainly throws you some interesting changes and challenges. After finishing the 1st year of my Masters last year I'm now sitting here in Bangkok 6 months pregnant at a lovely coffee shop with our 6 month old Cocker Spaniel puppy Cimeron trying to figure out what I thought would be a pretty easy answer. What direction do I want to take with my nutrition career and how?
With many jumbled thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head I thought I had it figured out. Now that I am trying to put an actual plan in place it is like writers block!! Even though ideas, plans and concepts can always be changed especially when designing your own future it feels like if I forget something or write the wrong thing down then it could ruin everything.

Growing up you are asked 'what do you want to be'. I don't remember if I ever answered that question. Maybe a princess, but isnt that the norm for a little girl's answer. As I got into high school and even uni I still didn't know. Now that I am 100% certain of what I want to do I thought it would be easy to 'create' my dream job but it seems even harder. One major problem is how do you carve out a fulfilling career in an industry fraught with unqualified/uneducated people loading up their social media accounts with photos of meals, snacks and ideals that are not necessarily wrong but could turn out very dangerous if undertaken by the wrong person. Sometimes it feels like the more 'out there' their personality and idea is the better they are at pushing/advertising it.

Perhaps when you know more detailed information regarding not only nutrition but the intricate workings inside the body, the negative outcomes of the wrong kind of nutrition plan and the side effects of which many can be potentially very dangerous you sensor/filter not only your own ideas more closely but also what you advise people. I feel I do this so as to truly make sure I will be giving the best, most up to date and personally suited information to clients so they can move forward into a healthy new way of life.    

Nutrition and wellness means so many things to so many people and the hardest thing is that it's so individualized that a 'professional' in this field needs to have an open, informed and educated mind to different ideas, approaches and theories to truly help someone that needs their guidance. They cannot be stuck in one idea and approach to healthy eating as there is no one size fits all. 

As I study my nutrition masters I find that my ideas are both very similar but very different at the same time. I agree with the science and when it's looked at as a whole it makes so much sense but when the guidelines on how to achieve this are a grey area it makes it very difficult for those trying to do the right thing.

So how do I as a future nutritionist veiw healthy eating and what is my take on what to eat. Simply put it is outlined below.

~> Eat real foods as close to nature intended. the less processing done to the food the better. 
~> Consume only two types of oils/fats. Natural saturated fat and Olive oil. 
~> Reduce portion sizes when it comes to protein and carbohydrate.
~> Try to ensure all carbohydrates are in their most complex form.
~>Reduce all sugars (excluding fruit) and salt.
~> Have one day a week where you can enjoy a favorite foods. 

Both my husband and I follow these guidelines and have noticed massive differences in many areas. Our taste buds have changed, we feel fuller faster, we are eating more food but loosing weight (before being pregnant) and our skin and general well-being is better. 

I feel the key to implementing any changes successfully is that 1) you are ready to make the change 2) the changes are able to be maintained long term and 3) they still allow you to enjoy life. What's life if you can't enjoy it!! 

Anyways that's me for today. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and have a productive/successful week no matter what it is your doing. 


Your Colours of Nutrition Health Consultant! 

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