Tuesday 17 September 2013

Trying to turn passion into a career!!

Where do you start when you want to turn your passion into a career??

As an expat wife traveling with my husband and no kids as yet, I am extremely fortunate to be able to sit back and really take note of what I love, am passionate about and how to embark on a dream career once we have finished traveling and have settled permanently. For the last 3-4 years my husband has said to me that if I want to go back to uni this is the time, while there are no kids and don't need to work, but I couldn't decide on what I wanted to do. Well... I could but when you have to pay for uni upfront you make decisions a lot differently to when your parents or the government pay.  Sorry dad. Haha :)

I have always been interested in food, especially eating it :) and I'll never forget the first time I found out that someone didn't like going food shopping with their mum. I was stunned. I loved going, especially at the beginning of school holidays as that was when we were allowed to get Fruit Loops (my fav) or Frosties (my brothers fav) and if we were lucky or there was a special occasion, soft drink. 

During our first posting in Singapore it was there that I really got into whole foods, nutritional concepts and weight training. It was then that I decided I wanted to somehow work in the nutrition field. Our posting in Singapore was only 7 months so study was off the cards until our next move however to tie me over until then I did loads of research on nutrition and different diets/fads and really thought I had a great understand of nutrition. Boy was I wrong!!!!!!!!!! 

Fast forward to our move to Bangkok which is where I write this from today and I am currently in my second semester of a Masters of Human Nutrition from Deakin University via correspondence and loving it!!! Being that the masters is mainly off campus anyway even if I was studying in Australia it is perfect for studying internationally. The two units during first semester changed my idea of nutrition massively!! Studying the 'science of food' and how the body really breaks down carbs, protein and fat and then uses and stores it was a real eye-opener. The previous notions of a low carb diet and other popular diet fads that I had been trying to unsuccessfully follow for years went right out the window and I have never looked back. If I was only half sure at the beginning of my masters degree as to what direction my career would take that first semester solidified it!! I want to debunk nutrition myths as well as incorrect yet widely advertised nutrition claims while helping people to change their ways to a healthier, happier and more nutritionally colourful lifestyle. I have yet to figure out exactly how I will do it but slowly and surely and most importantly scientifically I will get the information out there. 

I hope to use this blog to get whole-food nutritional information out there and as I slowly grow my business 'Colours of Nutrition' and I come across interesting finds in my nutrition studies and random fun as I travel I hope to both inspire and entertain you. 

I have a Facebook page called 'Colours of Nutrition' which features nutrition tips and recipes and interesting facts so please feel free to like the page and follow along. The profile picture is colourful (of course) with the words 'Eat Real Food'.
Twitter and Instagram will soon follow over my Christmas break once I am not so bogged down with uni work and have time to set it all up and get it all linked together. I'm not overly techy so all this social networking stuff gets me tripped up at times and takes me a lot longer to figure out. 

Anyways that's it for now!!! 
Will post again soon and I hope to have some friends along to enjoy the ride!!


Your Colours of Nutrition Health Consultant :)

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