Monday 12 May 2014

7 months pregnant and living in Bangkok....... Just some ramblings!

With many of my friends both currently pregnant or recently having had children it's common place to discuss all the fun and not so fun times we have been experiencing while pregnant. I must admit I have been very lucky so far in regards to pregnancy sickness and any other issues and haven't really struggled with anything however I am starting to see a change coming! Clothes not fitting, no nice maternity clothes easily accessible, not being able to get comfy on the couch or when sleeping, Bangkok going into hot season, eating challenges and the impending war I will be waging with a pram and the horrific sidewalks that is part of Bangkok city life.

Now I must confess that being a health conscious person I have not had the most 'active' pregnancy. Both through changing circumstances and me being lazy however holidays, visitors, a new puppy and a sewing deadline has given me plenty of extra excuses which I am grabbing onto with glee!!! Nutritionally I have been very good! I always had this belief that I would blow up like a ballon the minute I saw the positive test so I have had a very healthy approach when it comes to food choice and pretty much eaten exactly like I was previously. Both the hubby and I follow our food portion control during the week and then have our bad day on Sunday. I was very aware of the popularly reported 'cravings' situation however I feel that sometimes that is used as an excuse to eat the things we tell ourselves we can't/shouldn't have. I always feel like eating chocolate or having a burger instead of a salad but I just make the choice not too. Just because I am pregnant doesn't change that. I have had the occasional midweek Aunties Anne's Pretzel (my guilty pleasure), a few dark chocolate digestive biscuits or a kit kat which I have finally figured out after 30 years is my fav chocolate bar but overall I have kept the bad food to Sunday and I am quite proud of myself. The cravings I have had have been odd ones. Just this morning I really felt like Worcestershire sauce on my eggs and spinach which I never do and in the afternoons if I get a little hunger hit I have been having cheese, a green apple and sun-dried tomatoes on a cracker. Usually I have the cheese and apple but the combination with a cracker and the tomato is just to delish at the moment. haha

Exercise on the other hand has been practically non-existent!!!!!!!!! Last year before our trip to America in November I was swimming 3kms 2-3 times a week, going to the gym 2-3 times a week, weight training and doing classes. Now after canceling my gym membership (we now have great gym at our new condo), canceling our British club membership which had the pool, having lots of visitors and a new puppy my routine has taken a bit of a hammering. In saying this, living in Bangkok involves plenty of walking in just day to day life so there has been walking but to me that's not 'real exercise' purely because of what I'm used to doing. This week was my getting back on track week by just adding a 30min walk every morning and 30 mins of pool work however I have hit a hurdle with just this! The minute I start walking I get a horrible stitch. Always in the same place and always super painful. Whether it's walking to the coffee shop, grocery store or walking on the treadmill for 5 mins, it comes on with vengence!! The pool work on the other hand has been great fun but inconsistent. Our pool on the balcony is 7 meters long so I end up doing 100 laps of intermittent drills and strength work but with the heat getting worse the pool is getting hotter. So I venture down to our condo pool and find 10 workers ripping up the tiles at one end but the office still says it is open for use. Not only is the pool missing a lot of water but it's obviously not the cleanest so I'm not really wanting to venture in especially with all the workers sitting around. 

With all my excuses building up I am finding myself in a place that I need be reminded that anything is better than nothing! But it's just so hot!!!!!!!! I really thought I could take our puppy for a walk each morning and that would be great except the minute we go outside I think of his furry little feet getting all dirty and then trudging all his bangkok findings through our apartment. Short from washing him everyday I find myself sitting at the front door using a water bucket and wipes cleaning his face, ears, feet and belly every time we get home to keep him clean. The heat at the moment doesn't help and he struggles himself after 10 minutes of walking.

My other great exercise dodging, procrastination enabler is my cross stitch rug for the coming bambino!! I blame my mother really! It's all her fault that I have this underlying need to ensure I finish it before the baby arrives. Mum started a tapestry when she was pregnant with me and still to this day has yet to finish it. Unlike me she did have 2 young boys to look after at the time but as she still has it 30 years later and brings it up in conversation from time to time so it's never really left my mind. I have a friend who did a lovely owl painting for her daughter and I love the idea of making something for your child while carrying him/her. I have a lovely patchwork single bed cover that my nan made for me and I really do treasure it. I hope to pass it down to our children and hope they continue to do so. With the throw away, low sentimental value society we find ourselves in these days I just hope both the rug I am making and my Nan's patchwork quilt don't end up at a garage sale or under a car soaking up oil. With all his in mind I wanted to make something for our child but I am horrible at art. Not really creative in the slightest! When talking to my owl painting friend I was trying to figure out what I could do. Suddenly my year 6 cross stitching days and my small kit that I have carrying around ever since (one day I'll do it again) came flooding back. 28 different images with the letters of the alphabet and 13 done so far in 7 weeks so with 10 weeks to go I am hoping I can get it all done just in time.

Clothes in general for me have always been an issue for many reasons and especially now living in Thailand I am no longer mid range in clothing sizes. However luckily I haven't had to buy anything new to wear until the last few weeks. I have been able to get around with leaving a few buttons undone on my shorts or using an elastic band to hold the buttons down and then wear a long top. I don't really want to buy much if any maternity clothes as I feel I may get lazy and just keep wearing them. I really want to have some external motivation to get back in the gym and pool as I am not a very internally motivated person majority of the time so anything helps. In saying that I will buy just a few things to see my through the last couple of months but the problem with the heat in Bangkok is that not much stretchy clothing is cotton so even if I do manage to find any clothes that fit in general let alone while pregnant it is mostly is polyester and other non breathable fabrics which makes the heat/humidity even worse. Back home I think I would have just bought normal clothes in larger sizes but when you are already an L or XL in Thai stores there is not much room to move when it comes to expanding body parts. This week I will venture to a newly discovered maternity shop Belli Belly and hopefully they will have something that fits. If all else fails then I will have to finally have to buy what I call 'backpackers/tourist' pants that usually are one size fits all for the western size people but hey if they fit.....

These things that I sit and complain about really are silly in the grand scheme of life but it just reminds me that there are so many hurdles to overcome whether they are big or small and that every change in our life whether significant or not adjusts our little world and can really mess with what is important to us. I know that I only have 2 months left to enjoy the piece and quiet and I should relish it but I just can't help think of all the things I should be doing that I am not. Time to just sucking it up and get on with what I should be doing and stop procrastining and allowing myself to make excuses. But it's just so hot!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Anyways that's my little non nutrition rambling for while I'm pregnant.

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